My Recap#Vampire Diaries

I can literally feel joy bursting out my fingertips as i am writing this.I LOVE vapmire diaries(bbm lovestruck smiley)
At first,i dont wanth them cos i dont like scary films,if i watch them i find it very very hard to sleep at nights so i stay clear of them but vampire diaries?its just simply awesome.
I saw it on Tosin's system and she told me it was interesting after asking her that i should watch it,she gave me the cds so i collected it from her(i had finished watching twilight(and m still crushing on Edward).
She didnt have the season 1 so i started with season two and well i loved the whole film tho i havent watched the last episode of season 4(pls someone who has watched it should pls tell me how it all went down).
Not that i like vampire films per se, i dont like True blood for instance and Tenn wolf too.
Now to the casts.

I LOVE Damon Salvatore,his arrogance,impulsion,the way he rolls his eyes,his walking steps,everything about him,hos hez always stirring trouble and i think i prefer him to be Elena's bf than Stephan.
I dont like Elena nor Stephan that much but Damon?Hez simply FAB

Then to the second person i like the most in the film,can anyone guess?????Nicholaus simply known as Klaus!I mean his dimples are just to die for!!
Ok now about Klaus,i just love that he is the villian of the film, make that evil vallian.He is ruthless,wickedand calculating and i think he does have a soft side tho,the one Caroline brings out.
So anyone out there that has watched Vampire diaries?Please drop your favourite actor or actress and the reason why you like them.
Lets get interactive.
Xubi Xhots


  1. Seriously Xubi, well my favorite actor is Elijah n Stefan n somtimz Damon n Klaus. Among d ladies I prefer Caroline n Bonnie. Lv dem all, glad I watched it n introduce it to X-X *winks*

    1. Elijah nd stephan re boring!!!I mean look@those guys up dere,they re d main guys,hot nd sizzling!.

  2. Every1 v different taste n views. So stop beefing *haters* lol

    1. Yh everyone does.M nt beefin joor.thanks a lot


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