Beauty,Health and Home Uses Of Cucumber.

Cucumbers have important,
unusual and green uses in the
areas of beauty, health,
gardening and the home.
Using Cucumbers
for Beauty
1. Want to perk up
baggy and tired
placed over the
eyes for 15 to 20
minutes reduce
inflammation and perk up tired,
baggy eyes.
2. Want to reduce the visiblity of
cellulite? By rubbing a slice of
cucumber along your problem
areas, cellulite becomes less
visible. Phytochemicals in the
cucumber tighten collagen in
the skin, firming up the outer
layer and reducing the visibility
of cellulite.
3. Pimple, blackheads, wrinkles
and facial dryness can be
prevented or reduced by a
regular cucumber facial.
4. Promote hair growth using
cucumber juice due to its high
silicon and sulphur content.
5. Reduce stress with cucumber
aromatherapy. Cut up an entire
cucumber and place the pieces
in a boiling pot of water. The
chemicals and nutrients are
released in the steam creating a
relaxing aroma.
Using Cucumbers
for Good Health
1. Feeling Tired?
Eat cucumber
slices for their B
vitamins and
that provide an energy boost.
2. Get most of the vitamins
required daily as cucumbers
contain Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5,
B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C,
Calcium, Iron Magnesium,
Phosphorus, Potassium and
3. Avoid a hangover or the
morning after the binge
headache by eating some
cucumber slices before going to
bed. The sugar, B vitamins and
electrolytes replace lost
nutrients avoiding the hangover
and headache.
4. Reduce your waistline by
curbing the snacking binge.
Cucumbers are mostly water
and very low in calories so
eating cucumber slices fill you
up but not out.
5. Bad breathe after too much
coffee or that caesar salad can
be eliminated by taking a slice
of cucumber and pressing it to
the roof of your mouth for 30
seconds. The phytochemicals in
cucumbers are antibacterial,
killing the bacteria responsible.
6. Cure constipation by eating
fibre-rich raw cucumber which
aids bowel action.
7. Relieve the burning sensation
in the stomach from
hyperacidity and ulcers by
consuming cucumber juice
which contains a large
percentage of alkaline-forming
8. Raw cucumbers contain the
phytochemical Polyphenols
which act as antioxidants
reducing the damaging effects
of nitrosamines and which kill
human cancer cells.
9. Raw cucumbers also contain
the phytochemical Flavenoids
which prevent the attachment
of cancer-causing hormones to
cells by blocking receptor sites.
10. Finally, raw cucumbers contain
the phytochemical
Monoterpenes which have
antioxidant properties, induce
protective enzymes, inhibit
cholesterol production in
tumors, stimulate destruction of
breast cancer cells and inhibit
the growth of cancer cells.
Cucumbers Used in Pest
1. Grubs and slugs are driven
away by slices of cucumber
placed in an aluminum pie tin.
The chemicals in cucumbers
react with the aluminum giving
off a scent detected by and
undesireable to garden pests.
2. In gardens, where they grow,
cucumbers secrete a substance
which slows or eliminates the
growth of weeds.
Using the
Cucumber as a
Green Cleaner
1. Remove the fog
on your
bathroom mirror
by rubbing a
cucumber slice
along the mirror.
Fog is eliminated
and soothing
remains behind.
2. Shine your shoes
for that
meeting or
reception by
rubbing freshly
cut cucumber
slices over the
shoe. You get a durable shine
that also repels water.
3. Fix a squeaky hinge by using a
cucumber slice like WD-40.
Rub a slice of cucumber along
the squeaky hinge and voilà
your door closes quietly.
4. Remove tarnish from and bring
back the shine to faucets, sinks
or stainless steel. Rub a
cucumber slice along the
problem surface and leave a
tarnish-free, streak-free shine
without hurting your fingers or
5. Run out of liquid paper or
looking for a green way to
correct mistakes on documents?
Carefully rub the skin of a
cucumber on the mistake to
erase pen writing.
6. Crayon and marker on walls can
also be removed by rubbing
with the skin of cucumber.
Xubi Xhots


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