C.A Aina-Badejo.

If my grandma were alive today,she would av been 85yrs old.and if she were alive today,I would av been telling her all these but because she isn't m penning it down.
I loved everything about my grandmother,the way she talks,works,tells us stories(about her and all)and everything.
She called me Fiyinfoluwa and my sisters,Oluwatoke and Oluwaseye.
Among all my names Fiyinfoluwas is the one I like and cherish the most.And till she died,she called us all that special name.
I was going to ask her to give me a list of names I can give to my children but I kept on postponing it nd saying I will ask her later,therez still time and all hut now shez gone,just like that,without any warning.
The last time I saw it was in the hospital,mum told me she was at a hospital in sagamu so I just came from school to see her nd when I got there,she couldn't recognize me.
I haven't talked to anyone about this since but this pained me more than anything,I held her hands and called her,she looked at me and dhe kept murmuring stuffz that I didn't understand,I couldn't bear it anymore I just had to cry.And to Dr and Mrs kunle Aina-Badejo,thank you for being there that day,they knew I needed to cry and they held my hands while I did so,I really appreciate it especially his wife.
When I was very young as young as 1-3yrs I lived with her,every morning and night before we prayed we would recite a psalm and she got me to know most psalms at that tender age.
When I had those skin problems,she was more than there for me,she will carefully wash my legs and do the dressings then get me into bed.
When I was still plaiting my hair then,and she called the hairdresser to come nd plait my hair for me,she will sit down there with her and tell her to plait my hair gently,she never left to do something else cos I had a sensitive scalp and I still do.
Mama,I remember all these but I never said thank you,I always felt there was still more time to talk,but alas,the time has gone.
I could talk to her about anything(till today there are some things I can't talk to my parents about/ask them)but not her,I will ask and she will tell me.she had 9 children and there was a day I asked her Y she had so much children dat doesn't she feel pain when she delivers her children's just laughed and said no,that she even goes to her hospital on her date of delivery and she goes back home that same day.
Shez a wonder woman,that puts her children first before anything,always there for everyone and I am so happy to say this,the first time I cooked,she was the one I cooked for!This is my joy and m so proud of myself even tho the rice was overcooked.
Mama,I love you and continue to rest in the bosom of the Almighty God.I have to stop here cos I can't go on.
Xubi Xhots


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  2. waoh,really touching.......I love you Mama,I miss everything about you,your warmth,your stories I never grew tired of hearing,your zeal for your children,your passion for God,....everything Mama,continue to rest in the bosom of the Almighty,till we meet again,I will always be your ''Oluwatoke'',,p.s I appreciate and love that name much better now Maama,Am so proud to be 1 of ur grandchildren,my parents and my sisters miss u badly.......Rest on Mama,we will continually hold the torch aloft even as u watch us from that glorious place that you are.....Happy birthday Mama Comfort A Aina-Badejo,E sun re o.

    1. Thanks sis.aunty dupe doesn't want to cook bday jollof rice for us!!!

    2. ahaan,she should reconsider,biko.lolz....I miss her too..

  3. Mama waz a gud nd carin mother even though she waz nt ma grandma I enjoyed spendin hols at her place. She is a luv nd carin grandma luv u ma. Rest in perfect peace.

  4. Is dere somethin I can really 4get about mama no? All d stories she nomally tell us. Gonna miss everytin. D most times I spent wit mama waz alwayz gud. Mama aow I wish u're still alive till 2day cos u're a gud nd love carin grndma 2 us. Mama I really enjoyed ma stay with u sooooooooo much. Is it d stories u tell us or ur kindness 2 us each tyme we cum 2 ur place 4 hols. Mama u're 4ever in our hearth nd we miss u soo much. Cos dere is no 1 2 tell us story again. Nd HBD 2 u 2day. Miss u mama sun re ooooo

  5. Is dere somethin I can really 4get about mama no? All d stories she nomally tell us. Gonna miss everytin. D most times I spent wit mama waz alwayz gud. Mama aow I wish u're still alive till 2day cos u're a gud nd love carin grndma 2 us. Mama I really enjoyed ma stay with u sooooooooo much. Is it d stories u tell us or ur kindness 2 us each tyme we cum 2 ur place 4 hols. Mama u're 4ever in our hearth nd we miss u soo much. Cos dere is no 1 2 tell us story again. Nd HBD 2 u 2day. Miss u mama sun re ooooo

  6. I miss u mama,I wish u were alive,I wish u were here with me. Mama u actually taught me everything I knw,mama u re u best mother nd grandmother. Mama I miss u soo soo much.grandma u re always in ma heart,I remember wen I was scared dat I came to wake u up nd den u asked me wat happen nd u prayed with me nd prayed for u. Mama I really miss u. Mama y did u die,y did u leave me. I love u. Mama sun re.

  7. I miss u mama,I wish u were alive,I wish u were here with me. Mama u actually taught me everything I knw,mama u re u best mother nd grandmother. Mama I miss u soo soo much.grandma u re always in ma heart,I remember wen I was scared dat I came to wake u up nd den u asked me wat happen nd u prayed with me nd prayed for u. Mama I really miss u. Mama y did u die,y did u leave me. I love u. Mama sun re.

  8. This is amazing, We miss you mama


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