Diseases we think we are too young to get!

It's fair to say that many of us become
complacent about our health, especially if we're
downing the pints, eating day-old pizza, lounging
on the sofa, and still looking pretty good in the
It's a better idea to be
aware of health risks and informed of the
Arthritis is commonly associated with the elderly,
but in fact affects people of all ages. According to
ArthritisCare.org.uk, over 9 million people in the
UK (that's 1 in 5 of adults and 12,000 children)
suffer from one of the 200 (and counting) forms
of arthritis.
What is it?
When joints become consistently inflamed,
sufferers can experience pain and discomfort,
especially when moving around. This is arthritis.
The causes are unknown and there is currently no
cure. However, there are many ways to help a
sufferer relieve symptoms and maintain an active
lifestyle, with as little discomfort as possible.
Symptoms and signs
There are many different forms of arthritis.
Generally, however, sufferers will experience
stiffness, pain, discomfort, and fatigue. The pain
could be a sharp stabbing pain or a mixture of
aches. These symptoms may be more evident on
some days than others.
Call it Erectile Dysfunction, call it impotence, call
it whatever — your gigglestick ain't happy and
you ain't laughing either. Surprisingly, 7-8% of
men between 20 and 40 years will experience
erectile dysfunction.
What is it?
The condition is an inability to achieve and
maintain an erection, making intercourse
impossible. There are a range of psychological
and physical reasons for impotence, from work-
related stress to drugs (prescription and other) to
cholesterol. Often the issue rectifies itself, but if
you have repeated or continuous episodes of the
condition, it's a good idea to consult your doctor
to rule out more serious, underlying causes. In
most cases, small lifestyle changes, such as
reducing stress and worry or drinking less
alcohol, should get the Colonel up and ready for
the fight once more.
Urinary incontinence
We know that older people may suffer a few
occasions of "leakage" and you may forgive your
girlfriend for "letting some out" when she's in a fit
of giggles, but the 3 million people in the UK who
suffer from urinary incontinence are not all old or
laughing hysterically.
What is it?
For several reasons, your pelvic floor muscles
(which retain urine in your bladder until you're
sufficiently positioned at the toilet, urinal or
bush), fail to do their job. Usually, your muscles
would hold off the passing of urine until the
bladder is full; it would then send a signal to your
brain to pull off at the next rest area. Usually,
you're in control and can tell the muscles when to
relax. Urinary incontinence can occur due to
weak pelvic floor muscles (known as stress
incontinence) or when incorrect signals are sent
between the brain and bladder (known as urge
incontinence). There are ways to ease the
symptoms such as exercise (to strengthen the
pelvic floor muscles), electrical therapy and
Everyone can potentially suffer from glaucoma,
although it is often related to age. The condition
can be hereditary. According to the Glaucoma
Research foundation, if you have a family
member with this condition you are four to nine
times more likely to develop it yourself. Afro-
Carribeans are at the highest risk at a younger
What is it?
Glaucoma, being a condition of the eye, gradually
steals sight. The optic nerve carries images from
the eye to the brain, but becomes damaged with
the condition, sometimes caused by excessive
pressure in the eye. Often, both eyes are affected
to varying degrees.
Symptoms and signs
The first signs may be the loss of peripheral
vision, which you may unknowingly compensate
for by turning your head. Other symptoms might
be sudden eye pain, blurred vision, redness in the
eye, or tunnel vision. Symptoms may not be seen
for a while, so regular checkups are a good idea
— especially if you're in a high-risk group.
So everyone,please beware.
Xubi Xhots


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