Is it just me?

I have been trying to avoid writing this post for a long time,because that will mean asking myself some questions I don't want to ask myself/questions I don't have answers to.
Lemme just write the introduction part,so you all can see where am coming from.
I like to think I am a good girl(I know I am),m serious,hard working(except when I want to be lazy=lots of times)but still I am hard working,I am not envious,I mind my business(mainly because I can't fight)and am all the good things.
But I see things nd I feel things and I just wonder is it just me?
When I look at myself I see an OK person and all,but when I look at the other person,I think Wow,this person is more than me.the question is Y can't I be like that person?
Maybe I don't have self confidence in myself,maybe I feel inferior to others I don't know but I also noticed one thing,I don't get mad at them,or angry or jealous.
M just like dats them,I think this is where my I don't care gene gets activated.
Now to the main body.
Behind this spectacles I put on is someone who notices a lot of things(and yet I don't too).
I see someone with this great personality and M like WOW!I like this person,or I want to be like this person,I like her dress sense,shez beautiful and all but no matter how much I try,I can't
I know d no 1 reason is I like cheap things.
No 2 maybe I don't really believe in myself
No 3 my I don't care gene is always activated
Now subomi,when all this fault comes from you,Y then do u still notice things like that?
I see Tolu for example and she is all spiced up,looking beautiful and sexy and making sense,I want to be like Tolu too wanna be stunning,beautiful and sexy too,but the my faults come into play and I get like ....well......I don't care jare,
Well if you don't care jare,then stop noticing her and wanting to be like her jare.
But no,dats impossible.
I just can't.
Does anyone also feels like this at all?
Just wanna know if m normal or not.

Xubi Xhots


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