If you still have some
questions for me feel free to ask in comments.
1. If you had a million dollars, what is the most
useless thing you would buy?
Hmmm.frames for my glasses,I'll buy different colours,
2. Have you ever broken any rules and regulations?
Don't think so but sch rules and regulations,once in a while.
3. What superpower would you like to have?
Ability to read othe people's mind!that will really be great.
4. Do you have many friends?
Nope.Just a few.
5.What do you like cooking the most?
What everyone likes na,indomie!
6. What is one thing you could tell us about
yourself that others would be shocked to know?
Nothing!That's the truth.
7.What did you dream you'd be when you were
growing up?
Ranging from a princess to a Presidents daughter,to an actress.all in all.someone popular.
8. If you instantly turned into a man for a day,what will you do?
Pray to turn back into a serioulsy what would I do?
9. How often are you late?
30min max
10. What is the natural colour of your hair?
Brown actually,but for purposes of variety,I like to think sunlight
11. If you could take a year off an go travelling,
where would it be?
Switzerland.I av always wanted to go there since I was a kid,Rio de Jenario in Brazil,I readthat its a nice place in one of my novels,then maybe Ireland.
12. If you could travel back in time and meet
yourself as a 10 year old kid what advice would you
want to give him/her?
Dear Xubi,don't you EVER let people's decison sway you,do things for yourself and not for people's approval.
13. What is your favourite past time activity?
Reading novels.
14. Are you a morning person or a night person?
15. What was your favorite TV show when growing
KKB show(if dey still do it)
16. What is the worst advice you've ever received?
Do it nw,other ppl are doikng it too.
17. Name one person you'd like to transport to the
18. What's the most childish thing about you?
Dunno o,but I av been told that the way I talk.
19.Who is your present movie crush?
Chris Attoh!for nw,but I hear he has a gf now,so I am lookin for a replacement.
20. Do you believe in the heaven?
Yes of course and hell too.
21. What is the one thing that you would want your
children to learn about life?
Not to depend on others,to be self sufficient and to always trust and believe in GOD.
22. Do you believe in soul mates?
Kind off.(Not in this century tho)
23.Which is your colour that best describes you?
24.What is the one thing that you have done in
your life that you would want to undo?
Wish I hadn't dated far back as SS1 bt hey,no regrets tho.
25. What would you like to change about the
Wish everyone will just CARE.It will really go a long way.
26. Describe yourself in a single sentence?
Sentence ke?M nt funny,keep to myself,nice in a way.
27. Do you have a role model - someone you want
to emulate?
No I don't.But I'll really love to emulate my mum in some circumstance nd my dad in some circumstance.
28. If you won a million dollars in a lottery, what
would you do with it?
Buy acres of land and start a turkey farm.
29. If you knew today was your last day on Earth,
how would you spend it and why?
Ask for forgiveness of sins,pray I'll make heaven.
30.Things you want to do but haven't gotten round to it yet?
Go to the beach,at night,on a day when the moon is full.
Go to a high class restaurant.
Go to a club!
31.What are you really good at? What are
you really bad at?
Lemme put it this way,My bad side is mainly my anger and my good side is I don't know o.
32.Are you superstitious?
Kind off.
33.Do people think you are younger or older
than you actually are?
34.Do you believe in abstinence prior to
Yes I do.
35.What is your worst habit?
Eatin my nails.At this age and time,smh for myself.
36.If you could change your name, what
would you change it to?
I love my name the way it is.
37.That part about you that you realyl want to change?
Getting angry easily.


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