A Soldier,His Gun &His Bullets.

The efficacy of the Soldier his Gun and his Bullets.
A soldier is someone who fights for an organized armed force and helps his nation hold up against external aggression and he also prevents interlopers as long as his territory is concerned. A soldier is one that has been trained specially to endure hard times and also utilize certain war tools in order to help his nation achieve its purpose ,protect their honor , pride and dignity and also help himself survive personally.
While you maybe pondering what this expose on soldiers has to do with you , I will like to say that it has everything to do with you as the soldier I actually want to unveil in this work is the Christ like man who wrestles not against flesh and blood but has to contend daily with principalities and powers of this world. This man popularly referred to as a Christian is the man I mean to talk about. Unlike the soldier of the federal republic of Nigeria or any other nation , a Christian is a soldier of the ''kingdom of God''. He gains entrance into the armed forces of the kingdom of God by simply accepting the lordship of Christ as against the rigorous training a physical soldier has to go through to get enlisted in the army. I like to call a Christian a universal soldier as his impact is often than not felt beyond his limits and territory.
Whether or not he is referred to as a corporal, sergeant , major, captain, general , lieutenant or whatever in this army is God's choice to make and is also a function of Grace and the level of training and study he subjects himself to. His promotion in this army is not tied to his longetivity in service but rather it is tied to grace and the quality of his service to his master and lord Jesus Christ. The quality of service is what I want to bother on basically because the quality of input of a soldier determines the quality of his output in the war front. No wonder they say that great people do daily what others do occasionally.
Now I want to give a brief illustration which I believe will open our eyes to certain realities of the race that we are in.
There once lived two friends named sergeant Akan and corporal Kevin who had known each other all their lives. These two were military men and obviously from their titles you can deduce that Akan was a superior officer. There came a time when there was an insurgence of restive group in a particular region of the country and these two had to be deployed amongst those to go and restore calm in that place . while corporal Kevin prepared beyond the routine training they were given , and sharpened his archery skills ,shootings skills, loaded his guns before hand and carried extra bullets incase the restiveness in that area extended beyond their predictions ,Sergeant Akan was quite non challant and pretty much believed he could draw strength from his reserves when he had to and believed a soldier of his calibre and abilities will naturally overcome challenges instinctively.
On a particular day that seemed like every other day they got a surprise attack from this group and before Akan could reach out to his Gun and then his bullets and the load them in his Gun, he had been hit. Kevin on the other hand reacted quickly as his gun was loaded before hand and he escaped and he was also able to salvage the situation for Akan by saving his life on that faithful day. This story as it relates with the universal soldier or soldier of the kingdom of God as I like to call a christian ,talks basically about two classes of Christians which are the steadfast and the assuming or lukewarm christian.
While Kevin had love for his gun(bible)he didn't stop there he loaded the bullets (the word) inn his spirit hence he could readily react when there was need for a spontaneous reaction as the attack came.
A Christian is as effective as the bullets he has loaded in his gun.
If he tries to quickly reach for his gun and then load the bullets in the gun when the enemy arrives , he might not be lucky to survive like Akan if no one intercedes.
If he pulls the trigger when he hasn't loaded the gun in front of the enemy then his folly his incomparable and he angers the enemy to inflict more pain on him.
If he picks the bullets in his bullet purse and throws them at his enemy with his hands then there wont be a devastating effect but if he had his bullets loaded in the gun before hand then he will shoot sporadically, confidently and even precisely at the enemy and this will also have a devastating effect on the enemy and salvage whatever situation that there may have been. These few scenarios actually illustrates christians who don't have their clouds full of rain, christains who don't have the word(bullets )saved in their spirits, christians who don't read the word often and sow seeds of prayer all the time, those who don't have a constant relationship with the father but want spontaneous answers from the father when they are in urgent need.
Christainity like I always say is a private relationship and a public testimony, the man who reads the bible often , worships God per time per time and , sows seeds of prayers into his life and also fills his clouds with rain by making positive declarations of power is like the soldier ready for war. He is On auto response mode incase there is sudden attack by the enemy and he takes charge of his physical and spiritual territory hence fulfilling the demands of a universal soldier.
So would you rather wait till the time of adversary before you look for your bullets? Would you carry your gun (bible) around in your hands without checking it?
To be an efficient soldier in this army that we belong, then the word must be readily available for you to use (saved in your spirit) and when you pull the trigger i.e open your mouth, the words of power(bullets) must be released to cause devastating effects
Be an efficient soldier . love your Gun and load bullets always so you can become a universal soldier .i.e the soldier that functions given any situation or location and uphold the honor of the kingdom you represent(the kingdom of God) and save your life here on earth and have a pleasant eternity.

Piece by Itaita Eby Fortune


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