Gettin rid of abdominal fat

Eating chilli pepper in your food definitely helps
you lose weight by raising your metabolism and
burning away fat, according to scientists. Pepper
consumption slower the speed of eating and
increases water consumption that also helps feel
fuller quicker.
Pounded Yam
Yams are powerful carbohydrate that can be
added to a regular healthy diet in order to
experience increase fat-burning benefits. Yams are
similar in appearance to sweet potato and it’s a
good source of energy. Yam provides around 110
calories per 100 grams. It is high in Vitamin C and
B6 , potassium and dietary fiber while low in
saturated fat.
Beans are one of the best sources of plant protein.
Most common cooked beans have 215 calories per
cup. Beans can suppress your appetite for junk
food and keep your body running smoothly with
clean fuel and efficient energy.
Green vegetables and fruits
Any fruit or vegetable contains fiber. Fiber can ease
constipation. How does it work? Soluble and
insoluble fiber, found in fruits, vegetables and
grains, is not actually digested by the body. It
passes through virtually unchanged. Soluble fiber
absorbs fiber and becomes soft, while insoluble
fiber simple passes through without absorbing
water. This bulky fiber acts as a scrub brush,
pushing food along the colon so that constipation
cannot occur.
White meat contains 245 calories per four ounce
serving. It’s an excellent source of protein, iron,
niacin and zinc. As far as weight loss foods go,
chicken breast is one of the best. It’s a great source
of lean protein, which can help you feel full and
stay full for longer period of time, curbing later
hunger and snacking.
100grams of banana is only 110 calories. Bananas
can help you win the battle of the bulge and lose
inches from your waistline. The Mayo Clinic touts
the fiber in bananas as being helpful for weight loss
because high fiber foods take longer to chew and
digest, making the body feel fuller sooner and
maintaining that satisfaction for longer periods of
Four ounces of turkey has approximately 170
calories and nine grams of fat, about what you
would find in 2 teaspoons of palm oil. The same
amount of regular beef has 23 grams of fat. Which
one will you go for?
Nuts are high in protein and fat but it’s healthy
unsaturated fat. With controlled portion size nuts
can be a great part of your diet as it makes you feel
full for longer
Yoghurt delivers a lot of protein and like any dairy
product, is rich in calcium and contains zinc. You
can find ways to use it, be creative. Cut banana
into it and add the cereal of your choice for
breakfast or thicken your stew up with it.
As a Hungarian person I didn’t eat much fish
before my marriage but now I’m really glad to have
a lot of fish in my diet. The health benefits of fish
are greater than experts would ever imagined and
trust me it’s hard to gain weight while eating fish.
Eating fish regularly lower cholesterol and reduce
blood sugar and help your body melt away
unhealthy pounds.
Good luck with your diet!


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