Computer Practical

I hink we started going to the computer lab when we were in JSS 2.To me then going to the lab was not the main excitement,the main excitement was walking from the class to the computer lab,looking at the students receiving lectures,nd I bet they wished they were us,and just having a moment to stretching my legs at my leisure!
On getting to the lab,there are some laid down rules,like touch the computer and receive an earth shattering slap from the teacher,well I am light in complexion,imaging what such a slap would do to my pretty face.LOL.
Actually it was because I didn't want the embarrasment that usually comes with such slaps nd besides,I wasn't interested in all the control v shit.So usually I was at the back of the class,pretendint to write in my note,look as the teachers face,nod my head as if I am just realising that hez making a very important point and pretend to write it down,the point of that was to make him not call me to answer a question and that usually works,trust me.
So we did this computer practical, till when I was in SS2,and then they taught us how to connect a monitor,mouse,speakers to the CPU and said they were going to test us.
The test was going to be like in how many minutes can u assemble a fully working computer system,funny thing that was simple but some people failed it,not because they didn't know it,but because of fear and tension.
I passed,tho nd I can't even remember if he used it or not.
Hez cute right?I know,hez more than cute!


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