Ladies And Heels

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Many things can cause pain in the ball of the foot.  This pain is described as a sharp stabbing pain and many times numbness in the toes also occurs.  Capsulitis can cause this pain and is inflammation of the soft tissues around a joint.  Inflammation of a nerve is called a neuroma and may also lead to these symptoms.  Redness and numbness is experienced in the toes may be due to jamming of the toe joints.  People experiencing pain in the ball of the foot usually experience relief when they remove the shoe and rub the affected area but the pain returns as soon as the stiletto is back on. 

Those wearing high heels on a daily basis often deal with multiple foot problems.  Most commonly, high heel users experience pain in the ball of their foot or in the back of the heel bone.  Oftentimes, this pain is ignored for style or work.  However, this pain should not be neglected, as it may be the first sign of damage.  Here are a few complaints caused by wearing high heels.
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Pain on the back of the heel is generally caused by soft tissue concerns.  Tightening of the Achilles tendon can cause discomfort and may lead to a bone spur.  Bursitis is an inflammation of a fluid-filled sac near the Achilles tendon and may cause pain.  Pain on the pack of the heel is typically sharp and stays near the Achilles tendon.  Sometime a bump may be developing in addition to redness and swelling.  Adding pads to the back of the shoe can relieve some pressure but removing the shoe is the only relief.
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If you are experiencing these symptoms, reconsider wearing high heels on a daily basis.  If this is not possible, even switching from a six inch to a two inch heel can make a big difference.  Specially made pads and silicone gel slips are available to help reduce pressure areas.  Unfortunately, the best solution to high heel pain is to save the shoes for special occasions.

Dr. Jordanna Baker


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