Girls Are Cruel!!!

You know it just striked me now how we girls can be cruel to the opposite sex when they ask us out and we are not interested in the relationship.
This happened to a very close friend of mine his name A and the girl's name B.A and B have been friends forever(u know the being in love type and suffering in silence type)B happens to be the normal girl,catching her fun and all with boys(not loose).
When A told me about the girl I asked she in any relationship' he said no 'are you sure'he said yes and I encouraged him to do it.
He was so scared(and that will be his first time of asking a girl out)he had to send a text message to the girl!!!
After a while he told me they were dating,we were all happy till like a few days ago when he told me they broke up.What happened?And he told me the line we girls all use,you know the: I like you but we can't date but I will like you to be my friend' line.
He was devastated!He sent me a mail of their chats nd the girl was downright harsh.
M annoyed at the girl for everything she wrote there,for her I don't care attitude about the whole thing,for causing my friend to go though so much pain and hurt and fury.
But then I asked myself have I not done the same thing before?I have overused that particular line without even caring about the guy's feeling.
And to all girls out there reading this,we are all guilty of this crime,let's watch our words,what we say to this guys that ask us out.
I know how long my friend summoned his courage to even send the text message and now this.
And though m annoyed at the girl,I can't blame her she is just doing her thing I guess but this is to tell us all to watch our words its really important.


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