A Walk down The Lane:100 level days

Hello everyone. I am sorry for the absence of posts. Its because I have been quite busy for some time.
Which is why I telling you a personal story about me: My journey though OOU.
I gained admission into OOU in 2008 though my name came out in 2009 so I had to go to Ago for registration and all.
The first time I went there was for the post jamb so this first time my dad and mum went with me. When we got there dad parked and told me to come out I was wondering Y.
I came out of the car with my file that contained my docs and he said well I have gained admission now and I had to do the registration myself.
That I should look at my mates and their parents didn't come with them.
I am light in complexion which implies that my every emotion flits thu my face. I wanted to cry and I actually did. He just looked and me and said I should go and do the registration,gave me money to get back home and left.
I stood there watching them until they had gone and looked at my so called mates,saw them on a queue and I moved towards them. That was when my 'qeueing' began in OOU.
When I got there I was still sniffing,not actually crying again and I kept asking everyone What are they doing here on the queue and they told me there are different queue for different departments. Then the next question pleas do u know where BMS is?no one answered me. I wanted to wail nw not even weep I felt like wailing.
Then a girl looked at me and said my brother is in BMS too,he went that way and she pointed at the direction. I was so grateful to her. When I got there I saw the said brother who is now my best friend(male specie)John Melete.
And John,if you are reading this know. That you were not fully kind to me that day but I don't mind sha. You gave me hope and made me stop crying and that means the whole world to me.(Big hug)
Well after the whole registration,we started lectures and all and God!it was bad.
13:07:19 was not my idea of a class and so much people(I don't function when there are lots off people)so I was practically in a zombie mood most of the time. And I met new people: Dami Akinlotan,Bolu Akingbagbohun and a host of others.

100level wasn't bad but I knew deep down I just wasn't ready for it.
I didn't know anything about gp and all had no one to explain them to me I just knew physics and chemistry were 4units I didn't know it was a must for me to pass it.
I applied my second school code to it(just get half of 100)and believe me I saw the consequence of my actions.
When I failed PHY 101,I went to the back of 13:10:52 to cry there was nowhere else. people were there as usual,I sat down put my head on the desk and cried my eyes out. I didn't even care if people were looking at me or heard me crying I felt like having a good cry and trust me I did.
I don't know how long I cried but when I was don't,a guy came to meet me and asked me why I was crying(he was waiting for me to stop crying).I didn't want to tell him but he pressed until I told him.
He just laughed and said its nothing that I still have a chance to rewrite it and all(I didn't even know when u fail a course u can still rewrite it)Thank u a lot tho I don't know your name. When I got home I told my dad I thought he was going to shout and all but he didn't he just told me to prepare very well for my forthcoming exams.
Well nothing spectacular happened to me in 100level except when I called a guy a conceited bastard and he said he was going to deal with me.
When people said I should go and apologize I didn't not that am stubborn(but I can be at times) but I was too angry to listen to what others were saying
And when I eventually did I got there and said came to apologize to you because people told me to come and I didn't think he needed the apology but because people said he will deal with me and I don't want trouble that's Y I was aoplogising and that wat he did was wrong.
He just looked at me and smiled and said its ok.nd I left
Well I didn't get beaten up,but I still made my point clear.And to Bunmi Wewe you were also a good friend and to all my BMS classmates.You made 100level a blast!!
Watch out for the next sequel.!


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