
This happened this morning and I am still smarting from all the humilation.The last time I was this humiliated was when I lied in one gathering like that and then one person pointed out my lie.
Don't laugh@me o,m sure you lie too,in fact lying is the commonest thing we do.
This is what happened,the sun has been very hot this past few days,so I was in the sun,sweating like a stuck pig,my handkerchief was already and thoroughly wet.
There was no cab/bike around,I think they made a deal/pact not to pick people after ayepe junction or something cos this has been happening for sometime.
So this jeep stops in front of me,I was going to make a run for it,seriously,but I remember the past week headline:ibadan's horror's!so I stepped back and waved for him to go.
He horned for me to come again,honestly I wanted to run away,I took some steps back again and waved for him that I wasn't going,then a girl peeped out of the car and called my name.
Well that means the person knows me so I moved towards the car and entered.
Then the lady who called my name looked at me,and had that 'don't u know me look'on her face. then she blinked at looked at me again inquisitively ,I looked at her and said don't know you'
Then she sighed and said Damilare.
I knew her then,I swear it so I just formed and said u are an ex-may and mentioned the hostel I knew her from and then we said hello's and hi's and she faced her front and left me alone.
Ok,this wouldn't have been so humiliating if that episode hadn't happened in the market like last year,we saw each other,she called and I was looking@her blandly,she had to introduce herself again and we shined our teeth and left.
I just pray I never ever run into her again except I recognize her.
Wish I had told her I was sorry tho,I seem to have the ability of not recollecting people,honestly its not my fault,I look at you and I think you are familiar and that's all,where I know you from is blank.
To damilare,I am sorry so so sorry.


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