Love Movies.

Before I start,just want to tell you all that,that's not me,its my clone,and don't laugh or smile because I am really serious,that's not me.
Now to the topic at hand
I love watching movies,love movies,high school movies(I really should stop watching these,I am not 18 anymore),action movies,d 'nowadays' indian movies, but I don't like horror and senseless killing movies.
My love for these movies have drawn my attention to 'TELEMUNDO' presents!For us people that watch either spanish/mexican films,we are familiar with this.
TELEMUNDO presents ultimately presents love films majorly but I do have a problem with their love films.
Honestly,had I not been reading novels and therefore had the notion of something called' happily ever after' in love,I almost won't believe in love again courtesy of our dear TELEMUNDO.
Yh yh,I know love isn't easy but still must they paint a very graphic picture of Love?Must the girls suffer for years because of the guys,meanwhile the guys get to marry and be miserable(according to them,don't really believe that).
Honestly if someone who has no notion of Love watches TELEMUNDO,that person won't ever believe in love.
Yes I know its just movies,but it has to have happened before they can turn it into a movie.
At times I wonder if maybe all the love stories in their town/village is like that.And the poor girl/rich boy/mother of boy doesn't like girl/worker marrying the bosses daughter movies is all too much and its all crap.
My own is they should please,please and please,stop making all these films,well at least for our younger generations,so they can believe in love oo.
Drops pen
Picks pen
Yh dats me on the pic,tacky right?and yes I am looking for complements(tongue out!),so complement me.
Please drop your comments,will love to hear from you.


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