Its Hard Being a Girl!

I am not married yet,so I won't talk about that part because I haven't experienced it. Before I continue I will like to wish you all a happy new month.
I don't want to use the word 'problems' but please permit me to use the word 'travails'.
Let's start with make up?is it good?or is it not good?What if its not excessive make up?Just minimal?But its just lip gloss nd not red lipstick?should I shape my eyebrows,use eye liners?etc
Now to trousers,should I wear trousers?but its written in the old testament nw and not the new testament so we don't have to follow it?but it doesn't matter what I put on,God only sees the inside of our hearts,I like looking good that's why I wear them etc.
Now to hair,should I fix?or not?should I relax my hair?God didn't tell us not to fix nw,he asked us not to cut our hair sef,its not long weave or- short so I am not showing off,human hair is from marine people etc.
At one point in my life,the above excuses,yes excuses o but still I did part of it,yeah yeah, I did but hey I am older now.
I read one rapture story,the guy went to heaven and hell and he said God doesn't want any artificial things,hairs,lashes,nails etc,I still fix the but I decided after school to cut my hair,I just can't imagine not fixing or braiding it,I plait my hair at times to school and I am ok with it o,but I don't think I will like to permanently plait the hair so I am cutting it off!
And I have also started praying too,that I don't want to have girl children,I want my children to be all boys,at least they won't have to make that choice of relaxing/not relaxing/trousers/skirts/fixing/not fixing and so on.
The problem with that now is,I have been noticing young children,girls below the age of ten and they are so damned cute!Especially with plaitings on their head and their clear white eyes with little earrings and this wonderful big smile that lights up the whole place,coupled with cute dimples on each side of their cheeck.
I want that too,I want my girl child to be that beautiful,now I am confused whether to stick to a girl child or a boy child.
I should have finished this post yesterday but I am finishing it today so I get to wish you a happy sunday.
Please drop your comments,I love to hear from you.


  1. Hmmmmmm.....itz really hard living this part of d world as a girl. We boys, oh sorry....I don pass dat boy level....we men no get problem. our life is smooth! And I thank God for bringing me into dis world as a boy! God knows life is sweet as a man!

    And ma, itz bin a while I enter here.....I don come bak now, trying 2 catch up on d posts ave missed. Good job yu are doing!

  2. Every gender has its 'travails'..its adv n̶̲̥̅̊d disadv..its good side n̶̲̥̅̊d bad side..dats just d formation of life..

  3. Every gender has it 'travails'.its advs n̶̲̥̅̊d disadvs..its good side n̶̲̥̅̊d bad side..I guess dats just d formation of life..tho, ladies have got a whole lot of responsibilty n̶̲̥̅̊d u just mentioned a section of women r trying sha

  4. You think the boys don't have their travails too,sure u don't want to know that part.we all have our roles to play either as a boy or a girl.for me I don't think applying cosmetics is bad as it helps to beautify ones self or u prefer going about looking ugly and shabby.excess and heavy makeup is what I must be able to exercise caution and be modest in ones appearance even as a boy or a girl.moderation is key


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