Steps to getting rid of armpit odour

Many people suffer from sweating problems.
They get so sweaty that it also wet their clothes
specially underarms. People use deodorant to
avoid the sweat and to control the ridiculous bad
odor. Yes the deodorant might work but here I
have some few homemade ways to control the
bad odor that is cheap and also effective and also
helps some few money :)
Cut the lemon and rub it under
your arms .
Rub the lemon juice under your
arms and let it dry . What happens is
that the odor producing bacteria cannot
survive in acetic acid of lemons and hence
it dies and the odor stops.
Let the juice dry off.
Do not wear clothes immediately.
Rub it underneath your arms but
first wet the alum by dipping it in
the water .
Be sure to use blunt side as it can
be in irregular shapes and might
cut you . Don't worry its not that sharp
either. Its also used as antiseptic for
minor cuts. If you are wondering where
to find it then you can get or might get in
local shops.
Like lemon, let it dry too.


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