Please advice her!

Hello freinds,my name is Mopelola.M currently a graduate now nd I need your help.I am a muslim nd a very serious one at that.I have never had a bf and m content with it.Its not dat m a lesbian or something m just waiting for the right guy and you can laugh@me all u want but I will know He is the one.Recently I met this guy and has been pestering me a lot to the extent that my landlord now calls him my husband.He doesn't allow me rest always@my house after work,he has beseiged my phones with calls nd text all in the name of professing his love for me.Bt the problem is dat he said hez married and his wife is out of the country.Pls advice me wat should I do.All this has been going on for close to 2years now.Guys its up to you bt as for me.......


  1. Dis na crius bznes. Passing by

  2. Yhu knw wat i tink am sorry no offence bt i tink u nid deliverance u're a graduate nd u've neva bin in a relationship toh ur own get 1st class, as per d 'agbaya' leave d fool alone e dosnt want d best 4 u


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