What is your type?

What's your "Type"? Do you have a "Type"?

I'm about to rant  #SingleLadies I'm not a guru o but I know a few things that I want to share. You keep praying and fasting asking God for a man, when he sends you one, you say he's not the one, why? because he doesn't drive a Benz or a Range Rover, he doesn't have a house in Lekki, or a job that pays 2m monthly. .

Most responsible young men are a work in progress, why are you looking for a ready made man? Are you a ready made woman ? Why don't you want to build from the bottom with someone ? When your mother married your father was he balling out of control ? I don't think so! .

Most single women don't even have anything to bring to the table emoji, a man is NOT a financial life plan neither is he an ATM, work hard for your own. So many young ladies have misplaced priorities when it comes to picking a husband, it's more than just money, who his father is, or where he lives and what car he drives.

What you need to look at is this man's character, Does he have integrity ? How does he react in tough situations and can he handle pressure? How does he handle his finances? How does he treat his parents/ siblings? What is his work ethic? How does he treat people that can do nothing for him? Even the bible says that it is vain/dangerous to set our hearts on the abundance of wealth, it is here today and gone tomorrow. .

Now I'm not saying that money is not important, don't get me wrong it is very important but that's not what you should be looking at when choosing a life partner. .

Think deeper than that ladies. A lot of women are unhappy today because money was their only deal breaker, how sad. Don't run into the wrong hands, think well and hard

Culled from instagram#####nigerianweddings


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