Going Back In Time?

I read this novel:the summerhouse by Jude Devaraux and my topic up there was what the novel was about.
There were three ladies who where all strangers,met each other on each's 21st birthday,told stories,swapped secrets and did the whole best friend routine,only they were all strangers but they were best friends for a day.
Fast forward to like 20something years later,one of the them sent a note to the others and they both met again
This time the three of them were broken,with was life and fate and destiny had thrown their way.2 of them had this perfectly rotten bad luck,that had left them broken and potentially scarred for life.
As fate will have it,they met with this woman,a tarot reader who then sends them back in time to any year of their life for three weeks. They were to choose,to right their wrongs,make the right decisions,correct that mistake that brought the greatest havoc to their lives,do that thing they should have done but they didn't because of one reason or the other and they all took it.
Fast forward to three weeks later,they were back,each had done her corrections in life and they were all happy.
End of story.
Back to 2014
Do I want that chance also?To go back in time,do what I should have done but didn't because people will talk about me?or they won't like me?I have got people issues,it's official,but still....
If I had that chance,I'll probably take it and.
But I still think wherever we are,whoever we meet have been destined to us,but still we have that CHOICE,to do what we like and we all misuse it.
My point if any chance you get to be happy,just grab it irrespective of who will get hurt/sad/angry with you becaude if the chips all fall down,you will be at the receiving end of it all,they may/may not help but still,no one will feel that hurt most like you do.
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