
When I was a lot younger,I wanted everybody to like me,I pleased everybody,I wanted to matter to everyone,like if my name is mentioned people should be like'aww,she is really a nice person.Dunno Y but it really meant a lot to me now.
F*ck that now,I don't even want to be liked,the more people like me,the more I have to be nice to them and all that.If you piss me off,I'll like to lash out at you nd say the crude jokes,and be all rugged,tough and hard.
But I know deep within me,the previous me is better,I know and I don't want to accept it,not now anyways but the persistently annoying thing about the previous me is that it always overcomes the new wanna be me.And the frustrating thing is I always let it.
I wanted to get xmas shoe last year and the lady I asked couldn't meet up so I had to look elsewhere.
There was this guy,I knew he was a crook,dunno if he is a thief o(nt saying)but I knew he wasn't straight nd he sells shoes I contacted him and he told me it was 8k.I actually had 7' but he said he'll bring it from Lagos to Iperu for me so I agreed to pay the 8k.
I got the shoe and immediately I saw it,I knew it was a fake!d designer of the shoe said 'Fine Look',I wasn't really sure so I asked the lady that I had previously told and she told me.
I should have returned it to the guy abi?But I didn't,I knew I had been duped and yes it pained me a lot,but I couldn't and still can't say a word to the guy about it.
So I asked Like the normal price for those kind of shoe and she told me max is 4500,and I paid 8k
But I have come to the conclusion that anytime I need my 'new wanna be me',its not always available and that's ......I don't know.
So I'll be wearing the shoe,and be on a permanent friendly basis with the shoemaker and I'll make sure I sweat out my 8' outta the shoe!
Dats the shoe in the second pic
Pls drop your comments.


  1. Oh Subby dear..... don't mind him.
    He probably would have finished spending the money now!!!!!!


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