Our Long forgotten tradition

I am a yoruba geh and I'll be talking about our long forgotten or last yoruba traditions.I am not claiming to know all but I am leaning towards marraige mainly.
In the olden days abi former days abi days of our fore fathers,when two people wanted to get marries,an investigation would be made into the two families by each family to know the pros and cons of the family like what are the most common ailments affecting that family,is there any psychriatic disorders in the family,are there dieseases like leprosy or parkison disease and so on.What happens during childbirth,are the husbands drunkards?do they beat their wives and pummel them with their fists,are the men from that particular family capable of making children and so on.
But what I don't know mainly is if after the info has been known,whether they go ahead with the wedding or not,or if as par Yoruba ppl they get charms to block a certain ailment or charms that will amplify one weakness.
Or I dunno sha
Now let's come to our days now,we girls don't do that oo,we don't tell our parents about our bf or fiance/fiancee whichever applies,we just date a guy for a year or two,say yes when they propose take them to our family,and get married,at times we even get pregnant and because of the shame,our parents just marry us to the man in question especially if the man is willing.
Our parents just ask the trivial questions,where are you from,what do your parents do,end of story.
That's wrong,a very thorough investigation should be carried out bt both families,facts should be known about the husbands parents,husband's aunts and uncles and if posiible their children too.At leats to an extent one would know the incoming missles to be.
I know an old man who is asthmatic infact he is the only one who has that diseaes among his siblings,he got his from his mother's sister,when he got marries and had kids,none of his 7 kids had athsma which si good news!but the very sad news is almost all his grandchildren has athsma dats an example.
Or to be onf the 'safest' side,we can do it the Christian way,where one fasts and prays for God to show him/her the Christian partner.Honeslty this is the safest,and even if all these problems and diseases can be averted with strong prayers.
As for me,I prefer the thourough investigation with the praying for husband,that's the surest methodm
Or what do you think?


  1. Are you getting married soon? :-D..let me join d investigation team :-)

    1. Looool,no o,sure thing#teamhusbandsfamilyinvestigation#l


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