Afraid to Die?

Are you afraid to die?Like when you are old,happy with your spouses with you and children sitting around you and your grandkids playing together in the sun?
I was singing this song and an elderly woman(family house things) nearly had my head for it.
Okan mi yin oba orun
Momore wa sodo re
Wota wosan t'adarijia ba yin bi re
Yin Oluwa Yin Oluwa
Oba ainipekun
*English translation*
My hear praises the King of Heaven
My praise to thee I bring
Ransom ed, and Forgiven
Who shall I praise but thee
Praise him praise him
The everlasting God
She then called me and asked who I was singing burial songs for?
It wasn't funny ooo
Me was nw thinking what if I had sang:
Ija d'opin,ogun si tan
Olugbala jagun molu
Orin ayo la o ma ko
*English translation*
The fight is done,the battle is over
The Lord has won
Song of praise will we sing
What will she have done?
This got me thinking,is she afraid to die?This is an 80 something year old woman who is so afraid of death that she literally cringes at the hearing of songs that she mistakes the song for a burial song.That's serious.
God has said that our age of death is 70 and to me if you are that 70,you should at least be happy nw,you have your children and grandchildren and your spouse with you so why don't you want to die??What do you want to be doing alive?A woman at that age shouldn't be afraid of death,what is she staying alive for?
To me anything after 70,and that person is still alive,you just have 3things left doing before you die
*Praise God
*Pray for your children
*Pray for your grandchildren
That's all,its not then that you'll carry gele on top your head and start moving from one party to the other,or start moving from one child's house to another or now claiming to be an elder in church and forming big man/big madam
If God blesses me enough and am 70 years old,those 3 things are the things that I'll be doing,and then expecting to die too because at that age death can come anytime
And the funny thing is,that's the most perfect time to get closer to God and try to make heaven,one would have retired by then and you'll have more time for bible study,thursday prayer meetings and so on.
How sweet will it be to be over age 70 and having to attend bible study,prayer meetings and go to church on sunday and fast and pray for your children and grandchildren?Most people think that's boring but I don't,infact that's my plan starting from age 70.
But some people like over 80something year old mama that doesn't want to die??????!!!That's too bad.


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