Its been a while.

Shez pretty right?I always knew she was going to be a very pretty lady,right from secondary school.We haven't been in contact for a while,I just happened to bump into a her on facebook,right you don't bump into people on facebook,but I did bump into that pic first,I almost didn't recognise her.
Its been a while,make that months that I have been here,even my page on facebook seems neglected,so sorry,I have been busy with exams and all.
I celebrated my birthday this month,will post the pics later.
So what have I been up to?I have been watching Korean movies that feature Lee-Min-Ho(those peeps in Korea have a weird system of naming their children),and well being me,I just fast forward he films till I get to the end but,I do get the concept.
How about you?What have you been up to lately?remember to drop your comments and have a nice day.


  1. Happy birthday tho u didnt tell us.she is very pretty
    U are forgiven


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