It strikes me how people we call friends never seem to see when one needs support especially emotional support.
Its then you start to think,are these guys really my friends?
When I was younger used to think it wasn't worth the while to have a number of friends,just one or two will suffice but when I got to the university I didn't know where that thot dissapeared to,I had friends and they were the wrong kind.
Sure we had fun,consoled each other during our griefs but now I am asking myself,was that really sincere?
I always had this thought that I was immune to betrayals,that if one friend betrayed me and all,I wouldn't be affected,but its all a lie.
U know what?it makes it worse if it comes from the people that are close to us.
I haven't been here in a long time,tk care guyz.


  1. its very possible you pushed them away...with okay attitude. ..I will get over's the way u present urself...that others will treat u...even your friends....

    1. Even if the attitude is there,popping in in times of distress would signify something like u@least care.nd also makes one closer to the friends


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