
Showing posts from February, 2014

Copy Cat!

The rate at which people cheat nowadays is alarming!This is a true story o,not fiction and it happened to me,today. When I got to class today,as usual in preparation for the lecture,I put my notes on the table,then the lecturer entered the class and announced we were going to have an impropmtu test. So I got papers and got ready for the test. Then the cheater entered,sat down beside me and asked for the question,I told her,then she asked me for my note! Let me state here that today being wednesday,the man came on monday to teach us the questions he is asking us today. I told her it was on the table,then she proceeded to open MY note on her laps,and she started dubbing. It was all somehow,here I was being self righteous and I didn't look at the answers,not because I knew everything o but because,it was a minor test,it didn't really matter what I scored or not. Now to the crux of the matter,while I was writing the test and she copy-catting from my book,she actually had th...

Stupid thing

Hello,I just need to know if this is a really stupid thing or a normal thing. I have always loved meeting people but I can't for the most obvious reason ever,I am shy! But I still determined at least to meet someone,the least they could do was. Shut me down.By meeting someone,I mean talk,gist,chat with someone o. So here was I after a day in the lab,as a science student I can very well say today is the best day I have ever enjoyed in the lab! I hated the chemistry and physics lab in secondary school,I just didn't enjoy them.In physics lab,I don't alwaays get the things they are always asking us to look for,in chemistry I did like titrating but I hated looking for unknown chemicals in a solution.So this is how I did it,I knew copper was blue so I crammed that,anytime I saw any blue thing,I knew it was copper same way No2 was brown,most times I get it right and at times,m wrong. In case you are wondering what I enjoyed in today's laboratory,I didn't do much,I just wei...

Happy Val.

Most of you have plans tonight tho but I have a date too. Yh! A date! To watch La partona and Los Reys! Its a date too na,Hian. And I got a perfect Val gift!infact I so wasn't expecting it,its so great. Here it comes! My Whatsapp is no longer working! That thing seriously frustrates me,so many people,make that wierd people are on there. So my whatsapp not working really made my day, have a nice day guys.

Going Back In Time?

I read this novel:the summerhouse by Jude Devaraux and my topic up there was what the novel was about. There were three ladies who where all strangers,met each other on each's 21st birthday,told stories,swapped secrets and did the whole best friend routine,only they were all strangers but they were best friends for a day. Fast forward to like 20something years later,one of the them sent a note to the others and they both met again This time the three of them were broken,with was life and fate and destiny had thrown their way.2 of them had this perfectly rotten bad luck,that had left them broken and potentially scarred for life. As fate will have it,they met with this woman,a tarot reader who then sends them back in time to any year of their life for three weeks. They were to choose,to right their wrongs,make the right decisions,correct that mistake that brought the greatest havoc to their lives,do that thing they should have done but they didn't because of one reason or the...

Pretty Moi.


Game Time!

Okkkk,this si for you guys,I hope you get it,kinda like a puzze,comes with loadz of brainz!!! LET'S DO THIS AND SCORE URSELF OVER 5 (x/5) So, take the following test presented here. OK, relax, clear your mind and, lets begin. Don't scroll down until you have the answer and don't cheat! ***************** 1. What do you put in a toaster? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: "bread." If you said "toast," then give up now and go do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, "bread," go to Question 2. ************* 2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," please do not attempt the next question. Your brain is obviously over stressed and may even overheat. If you said "water" then proceed to question 3. ************* 3. If a red house is made from red bricks a...


Honestly,I am not a prude(in reference to food here)I like enjoying,catching fun and all but there are certain lines I don't ever,ever cross.I crossed one recently. Last week,I went to the market with my friend and when we got to the frozen foods section,we both bought fish and then she bought turkey,I asked her what she wanted to do with the turkey,she was so surprised,then she replied she will put both the chicken and turkey in the soup she'll prepare. Honestly I was shocked,I didn't know people cooked like that,what I know is,if you want to eat turkey,it will be strictly turkey,or strictly fish,or meat,ore beef. I have never heard of mixtures before.After embarrassing myself there,I decided to try it,see what's there.But before I did,I asked another set of people and their say was,it will make the soup really sweet. So Yesterday,I went of to the market and spent a thousand naira on fish and turkey instead of my 450/400/500 naira. And I cooked it. Now here is my...

Happy Monday Morning

Hello guys,how was your weekend?Mine was great at least till sunday afternoon,but its nothing. Dunno why,but it seems the harmattan has come again,this year weather is somehow to me,I used to think harmattan was supposed to start from december through january and maybe February but last year around december,harmattan came for like a week,then it disappeared,rain fell in january and now,harmattan decides to visit again. Anyway glory be to God Almighty for the variances in the weather(shines teeth),the whole weather things is suspense filled. Also good news,this blog hit a page views of 9000 on Feb 1,thanks guys,it wouldn't have been possible if not for you,I really appreciate it. Have to go now,I am cocooned under thick covers because of the cold,have to prepare for school now,have a nice day everyone.

Couples and Phones!

I honestly feel like saying we are in the days of smart phones but the people who are using those phones don't seem to get smarter. The technological world is selling so much to us and all we do is consume. We want all the latest devices to show that we have arrived even when we don't need them and those companies are raking in all the money. Check the list of fortune 500 companies or other lists where big and successful companies are listed. Next to oil will be companies selling the devices that you and I are crazy about. That is not the most painful to me. The most painful is the fact that smart devices have become so smart that couples have given their spouses second place after the smart phones or devices. Today's greatest threat against marriages might not be the young girls out there flaunting themselves at your husbands or the big aristos – rich older men – promising tempting money to your wives. It may not be the relatives of your spouse who want your spouse to marr...

Happy New month Guys and Welcome to Febuary!

Hi everyone,welcome to the fabulous month of Febuary! Please visit facebook and like my page:Xubi's Diaries. Thanks as you do so God bless.