
Showing posts from January, 2014


Hello guys,I haven't been on this blog for a while.M so sorry,please keep up with me. Howz your week going?Mine was OK,thank God. This post is gonna be so short. Please bear with me Have a nice weekend.

Pic of the month


My Anti Gay Views

Be warned! This post is strictly 18+! Late 2009/2010,a friend and I were discussing this gay issue and she asked how does one become gay? I answered her and said,when u think about it,you will continue thinking about it because Satan will put that curiosity in you to keep thinking,browsing about it.Then a time will come and you will just do it and that's all.Then that satan will also come back to tell you can you see its good and fill your head with nonsense,so the thing is,don't even think about it! Well she seemed satisfied,and to my innocent 18yr old then I was right,M still right tho. Last year,I was reading a book by Dr Olukoya of MFM ,I have forgotten the title now,and there he explicitly said Oral Sex is a sin!And that its not of God but of the devil. I remember reading it and thinking this is possible joor,who will take him serious?and laughing at him,but it was in my head I couldn't seem to forget it. Now to the question of being gay and lesbians now,the qu...

My Song of The Moment

Grins know this is an old song o but I watched the video and I instictly knew I had to download the song! One thing about me,if I hear a song for the first time,I probably won't like it but still there are some songs that are EPIC!!!! M at a payphone wasn't really epic to me but it didn't grow on me before I downloaded it. So as usual,I am after the lyrics,words touch me.If I hear a song,the first thing that I listen to is the lyrics!then the tune and then it falls into pace,either epic/i'll wait till it grows on me. This song is by Adam Levine of the Maroon 5 group,and the title is Payphone,Please read through,enjoy and drop your comments. I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change, I've spent on you Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two? Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember The people we used to be. it's even harder to picture That you're not here next to me You say it's too late to...

AIDS miracle story

  Hello everyone,a while ago i posted a story about researchers finding a cure to the story HERE .so a while ago i got this comment below; [READ MY STORY. ON HOW I GOT MY AIDS CURED]. Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive last two years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can too make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life, this is what i caused myself, for allowing my fiance make sex to me unsecured without protection, although i never knew he is HIV positive. So last few 4days i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful healer get him well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life 1 day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr ARIBA the traditional healer's email id: Or

I Am In Love.

I hear your voice And my heart jumps I hear your voice And I go hot and cold I hear your voice And I feel blissfully happy I know you're near And my heart beats increase I know you're near And I feel blood pounding in my head I know you are near Then I get blissfully relaxed. Anonymous.


When I was a lot younger,I wanted everybody to like me,I pleased everybody,I wanted to matter to everyone,like if my name is mentioned people should be like'aww,she is really a nice person.Dunno Y but it really meant a lot to me now. F*ck that now,I don't even want to be liked,the more people like me,the more I have to be nice to them and all that.If you piss me off,I'll like to lash out at you nd say the crude jokes,and be all rugged,tough and hard. But I know deep within me,the previous me is better,I know and I don't want to accept it,not now anyways but the persistently annoying thing about the previous me is that it always overcomes the new wanna be me.And the frustrating thing is I always let it. I wanted to get xmas shoe last year and the lady I asked couldn't meet up so I had to look elsewhere. There was this guy,I knew he was a crook,dunno if he is a thief o(nt saying)but I knew he wasn't straight nd he sells shoes I contacted him and he told me it ...

Back To School

I got back to my room in school yesterday and I swear,I kinda felt out of place. I felt so lonely and bored that I even felt like crying,coupled with the fact that there was no network and there was light. I could have watched movies o but I didn't have any on my laptop(I formatted it),so it was just me To say the truth,I was scared and was thinking'am I going to sleep here alone'?But the thing is I felt that way because my body and spirit+soul have gotten used to Iperu,being in Ikenne made me all strange and out of place. This is the main reason I don't like travelling,don't get me wrong,I like travelling to new places and coming back HOME that same day,but staying out?Mba,my body no gree. So when I got to school this morning,I saw lots of people,you know na,friends,classmates and all and well,I was in for some shocker also. One of my classmates have given birth to a baby(congratulations o,tho u didn't tell me+u didn't invite me to your wedding,no off...


its hot It stings It makes you cry It breaks you down. It makes you unworthy It makes you worthless It makes you feel unloved It makes you feel unwanted It comes from parents It comes from siblings It comes from friends It comes from anyone I can hurt You can hurt Anyone can hurt Everyone can hurt Anonymous.

HaaAapppyyyy Neeeewwww Yeeaaarrrrrr!!!
