When I was a lot younger,I wanted everybody to like me,I pleased everybody,I wanted to matter to everyone,like if my name is mentioned people should be like'aww,she is really a nice person.Dunno Y but it really meant a lot to me now.
F*ck that now,I don't even want to be liked,the more people like me,the more I have to be nice to them and all that.If you piss me off,I'll like to lash out at you nd say the crude jokes,and be all rugged,tough and hard.
But I know deep within me,the previous me is better,I know and I don't want to accept it,not now anyways but the persistently annoying thing about the previous me is that it always overcomes the new wanna be me.And the frustrating thing is I always let it.
I wanted to get xmas shoe last year and the lady I asked couldn't meet up so I had to look elsewhere.
There was this guy,I knew he was a crook,dunno if he is a thief o(nt saying)but I knew he wasn't straight nd he sells shoes I contacted him and he told me it ...