Signs That You Are In An Abusive Relationship.

Most people find it very hard to leave an abusive relationship, because they think the person will change. But how long do you want to be abused. Women especially are more abused than men in a relationship, because many of them don't even realize or know when they are abused. Every woman/man deserves to feel safe in their relationship.
If you are Scared every time you see him/her, feel intimated, humiliated, manipulated, broken or battered, these are signs that you are in an abusive relationship. When you are verbally or emotionally abused it can lead to physical violence.
Most times it's not always so clear-cut when you're in an abusive relationship. You feel he/she is angry and so that action is just for the moment. Well let's look at other signs:
Everything You Do Is Wrong
He/she keeps telling you how bad you are in everything you do. How worthless you are to yourself and him/her. Never compliments you action when even you feel you did well. You are being abused in that relationship.

You're Monitored
He/she checks in on you frequently and demand always to know your movement. It's not healthy when someone is trying to control your every move on any given day and wanting to know where you are at every moment. "It's really abnormal when she/he calls to ask where you are. What are you doing right now? Who did you see? Who did you talk to? Etc at every hour, 9am, 10am, 11am 12noon 1pm etc. All in the name "Am checking on you". That is abuse!

You can't see or communicate with Families and Friends
He/she tell you who to see and who not to, even when they have been there for you all times, good or bad. He/she tries to separate you from your contact. That isn't a healthy relationship, but abusive one.

He/she humiliated in front of People.
It's not right for a partner to call you names and insult you. And it's also not right for him or her to purposely say something in front of your family or friends that will clearly hurt and embarrass you. If that's happening, then it's the height of abuse in that relationship. He/she gives chances to other to insult you.

He/she wants you to do something for him/her even at your lose. And regularly insists that you do something because everyone else is doing it that could be a sign of abuse.



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