
I am not a particularly friendly person but I still have friends,not lots of friends,just a handful.
And I cherish them a lot but I am not talking about them tonight,I am talking about my very first boy bestie,one of my oldest friend,meet,Tunde Adeniyi.
We met in secondary school,throughout our junior secondary days,we didn't talk to each other,we weren't even in the same class,but I knew him and he knew me.
Ok Tunde,if you are reading this,this was my impression of you then,popular,rich kid but sensible,lots of geeks,did I mention he was one of the bests of our sets and I actually didn't have any ill feeling towards him.
But when we got to senior school,we were in the same class,and it was then we became best of friends(wide grin)
He understood me completely,I repeat completely,and he never asks questions,I had people asking me lots of weird questions then,and I knew then and I still know that he gat my back.
I still remember vividly one time we went to Abuja for a NIGMUNS conference and I got lost(well I didn't technically get lost,I slept of in the bus),I eventually got back to the hotel and though he wasn't the first person that I saw,he only had a genuine look of concern on his face,thank you I really appreciate this.We have this saying at Mayflower,we meet to part and we part to meet,only God knows who coined that saying,well I have come to realize how true it is.
Tunde,we may not see again,for the rest of our lives,and we may still see,but know that you will always occupy a special place in my heart and I will never forget you.
I miss you a lot.
And thanks for coming to Iperu too.


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