Disadvantage of Eating Salt.

If you eat too much sodium, it
begins to build up in your body and can contribute
to numerous health conditions.
High Blood Pressure
Your kidneys help excrete excess sodium from your
body, but when your diet contains too much salt,
your kidneys might not be able to get rid of what
you don't need. When your kidneys are unable to
efficiently remove sodium from your body, your
blood volume increases. An increased blood
volume requires your heart to work harder to
pump blood throughout your body. When your
heart has to work harder, it puts extra pressure on
your arteries and causes an increase in blood
Fluid Retention
Because sodium is naturally attracted to water,
consuming too much salt can cause your body to
retain fluids. Not only can fluid retention be
uncomfortable, it can also be dangerous for your
long-term health. Symptoms include swelling of
feet, ankles and hands, stiff joints, rapid weight
gain, significant weight fluctuations and increased
abdominal size. Chronic fluid retention can occur
with heart failure, kidney disease, lung disease and
arthritis. Consuming too much salt with any of
these health conditions can make the problem
worse, and your doctor will likely limit your intake
of salt because reducing your sodium intake is one
way to treat and prevent fluid retention.
Additional Dangers
Too much dietary sodium can unbalance the fluid
levels in your body. Sodium works with potassium
and other electrolytes to keep your fluid levels
normal, but if you consume too much salt, these
balances can be upset. In some cases, it can cause
your body to lose water but retain sodium, which
leads to dehydration. The chronic high blood
pressure that can occur because of too much
sodium puts you at an increased risk of heart
disease, kidney disease, stroke and congestive heart
Processed and packaged foods are among the top
food sources of sodium. Soy sauce, canned soup,
frozen dinners, deli meats, pizza, potato chips and
fast food are high in salt added to help preserve
them and enhance their flavor. Bread, condiments,
cheese and certain snacks are also significant
sources of sodium. Vegetables, dairy foods, seafood
and meat contain natural sodium. Though these
foods have small amounts of sodium, they still
contribute to your total intake. Read food labels to
help you determine how much sodium your diet
contains. Choose reduced-sodium and low-sodium
versions to help cut your total intake.
Xubi Xhots


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