Chocked up

It's been a while v been on here.lately it seems all I do here is pour my heart out,maybe I need to change the name of this blog to musings of a desperate single girl as there is already single naija girl
Either musings or not,its still my tots,pen and ink so I guess it's still d same
At this point I just want to thank God for creating Eve out of Adam cos lonliness is a bitch
Furthermore,being alone after a breakup is also a bitch
Being alone after a breakup and your ex moving on and you remaining stuck will probably be d icing on d cake,I mean d one that chockes one to death.
It's torture
Pure torture
I don't even know how to move on,m stuck on this wave not knowing either to move on or stay at the same spot.
For people who have been in this position, how did you move past this???
I don't even have the strength to move past it.
I am tired of thinking about it,tired of staying on the same point,tired of being in pain,I don't even have the strength not to talk to him anymore
The first time I heard his voice after the breakup,I felt my heart go cold,these tiny pickles of ice pricked me all over my skin and the phone fell off my hand it's has gotten better now,but I still wonder why do I not av the strength to ignore him forever.
Do I want him back? I don't know because I don't trust him,do I want another person? I don't know,I keep comparing them to him.
M scared I will forever be like this,this pathetic,scared,untrusting person while he moves on.
I have to stop,I already have a headache.
Sorry to unload this here, but since I don't have anyone to talk to about this,I decided to write this down,maybe it will help in anyway it's starting to choke me


  1. I believe you should just keep working on what is best for you - moving on. You will get there, sooner or later.


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