Welcome to July Promo

If you can give the correct answer to these
questions,then you get to win #100 recharge card
from me.After you answer the questions,drop your
phone nos at the end of your answers,if you are
correct,you'll receive your cdt on your phone and
you'll come here to tell others about it so people
won't think its a hoax.This only opens to the first 5
people that answers this question correctly and its
just for today.I'll be doing this for a day in the first
week of the month,so if you don't win today,you
can win next month.The questions aren't hard
and no googling!
1.Britain,Ireland,Scotland,England,Wales, are all
countries that make up the British isles.True/False
2.Wherez a wing mirror found?
3.Liner,ferry,catamaran,cruiser,hydrofoil are all
types of what?
4.Congas,bass drum,snare drun,xylophome,
tambourine,bongos,kettle drum,cymbals, triangle
are all collectively knows as?
are examples of?
6.Pumpkin,marrow,courgette/zucchini are
examples of what?


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