
Showing posts from May, 2014

For the ladies...

1. Wearing tight fitting jeans, or trousers Skinny, tight pants can spell trouble for your womanliness. "It's really common for some women to get recurring yeast infections [with tight pants]," says Dr. Unjali Malhotra, a women's health specialist from Vancouver. The restricted quality of the trousers along with the heat and moisture that they create can leave you feeling itchy and sore. To steer clear, Malhotra recommends wearing looser fitting clothing or sleeping without underwear to give the area a chance to breathe. 2. Wearing high heels Sexy, fashionable footwear can lead to an ugly assortment of health ailments. According to Peter Guy, a professor at Toronto's Michener Institute, and a chiropodist in Whitby, Ont., habitually wearing sky high heels can change the way you walk, create pain in your back and knees, shorten your calf muscles, and stiffen and thicken the Achilles tendon that runs down the back of your heel. "High heels will make bunions – a ...

Its been a while.

Shez pretty right?I always knew she was going to be a very pretty lady,right from secondary school.We haven't been in contact for a while,I just happened to bump into a her on facebook,right you don't bump into people on facebook,but I did bump into that pic first,I almost didn't recognise her. Its been a while,make that months that I have been here,even my page on facebook seems neglected,so sorry,I have been busy with exams and all. I celebrated my birthday this month,will post the pics later. So what have I been up to?I have been watching Korean movies that feature Lee-Min-Ho(those peeps in Korea have a weird system of naming their children),and well being me,I just fast forward he films till I get to the end but,I do get the concept. How about you?What have you been up to lately?remember to drop your comments and have a nice day.

How true is this?

No matter how hard you try, there's always gonna be a particular EX whom your feelings for can never die... That EX whose voice you'll forever recognise even amidst millions of people. That EX whose memories will never ever fade irreparable of how long you've both gone your separate ways. That EX who at the mere mention of his/her name your heart beats rapidly. That EX whose thought flashes in your mind once in a blue moon and you can't help but smile silly. Honestly There will always be that EX whose thoughts will be evergreen in your heart come rain come shine. Love is indeed a beautiful thing.....

Picture Of The Month.

I love this hairstyle! I used to think snapping with the same hair isn't cool(don't mind me,I have been told I am from the 10th century) But for a while I have been looking at her pics and admiring it,that's Y I decided to post her pics here. Shez a beauty right? U like???
It strikes me how people we call friends never seem to see when one needs support especially emotional support. Its then you start to think,are these guys really my friends? When I was younger used to think it wasn't worth the while to have a number of friends,just one or two will suffice but when I got to the university I didn't know where that thot dissapeared to,I had friends and they were the wrong kind. Sure we had fun,consoled each other during our griefs but now I am asking myself,was that really sincere? I always had this thought that I was immune to betrayals,that if one friend betrayed me and all,I wouldn't be affected,but its all a lie. U know what?it makes it worse if it comes from the people that are close to us. I haven't been here in a long time,tk care guyz.


For You.

What to do you do on facebook

Oya come let's answer this question o.What do you go and do on facebook?Why are you always online 90%opf the time? For me sha,I don't post stuffs there o,i still wonder how people go on facebook and write what they write,how their brain puts it into words on write and press the 'share button'Wierd' So I go there,read people's update,write'hbd,llnp'on people's wall when they re having their bday(still don't get why they call it wall)check people's pic(my favourite game)though I don't comment except I really like it,I check their wall and laugh at their pics if the pics re wack,reply messages(still don't know why people send me messages on facebook.heellooo,haven't you heard of emails?the world is going global mehn. That's all.what's there to do on fb again?chat?I don't like chatting,like seriously it wears me out. Bearing in mind that out of my 900+fb friends,I know like 100,familiar with like 35,I feed like m in a ...

Its Over,M friend breaking up with you!

WOW! It really happens,but we don't come and and say it like that,we just kinda drift apart and well,life goes on that way. The pain,the hurt,the occasional shame isn't there anymore,its all gone and all there is. Is was the love ever there? I used to think I was yours and you were mine but alas,it wasn't so.So I'm friend breaking up with you.We meet to part and we part to meet. The pain The hurt The tears The sniffles The feeling of being alone Without you I feel I cannot be I see you play with others And I get mad I play with others And you don't even notice me Its over Its over Its over.

Happy New Month+Bday countdown#

Hello peeps,and welcome to May.How have you all been?A little piece of advice from me to you Help others! Go out of your ways to help others The others don't have to be complete strangers,they can be our friends or neighbours or colleagues. This help goes a long way before us and paves our way in the future.That's what I believe. Welcome to my month.Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay.Lemme put it this way,this month this year is a very very significant part of my life and I just want to say Thank you Lord! Aiit,have a nice day guys and remember to help others.