
Moving onto the next thing

Hello all,  How have you been? So, this matter has been a bit confusing for me. In life we don’t stay stagnant, it’s even like a taboo to do, you just must continue moving. Be it in academics, job, life, marriage (No I am not talking about multiple wives all multiple girlfriends), relationships with friends, neighbours co-workers. What I am mostly concerned about is when to know to move on. At what point do you decide this is enough or better still it is time to move on. do you make this decision when everything is fine and fair or when something happens and you just decide it is time I have to move on from whatever particular situation that is.   I have been staying in a particular place for a while, to an extent it is OK but when do I decide I have to get the move on? Is it when I think my finances have improved? Or better still I can think that my finances have improved and at the same time also think yeah I want to save money, I mean I'm not necessarily buying a ho...

Its been a long while.........

Hello all, How have you been? Happy new year, A very dear person close to me asked about my blog, and i was like; 👀👀   I did not realize i had not been here in years 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I think this is because I just use this mostly as a jotter, just kind of like putting down random thoughts and all.  So, i am in a better place least country wise and in other wise😜. I am doing good and great, definitely not exercising, and trying my possible best to eat healthy.  I really hope to better on here this year, fingers crossed Thanks and take care.   

July 2016

I came her July 2016 to pour out my heart on what I was going through. Today the same July of 2020, I am here to talk about the same thing. Actually, I have been feeling a little sad for a while, one of two things is also presently weighing me down presently but the major one is the one of July 2016. I became that girl. That girl that waits for a particular person yo call, that girl that keeps nurturing this hope that he will call and says: baby, forgive me, I have been such an idiot, that girl that always wants to give him a call whenever she is happy about Something, that girls that light up when she sees his call, that girl whose whole life revolves around a particular person. I wrote July 2016 that I didn't know how to move on, I still don't. I started think i ng about the guys that I should have given a chance, but I told them point blank I was waiting for the other guy. Very silly of me, I know. But when I look at them, I always compare them to him, and they always c...
as Yoruba's , you would have heard, not one, not two, not three times that do not marry an Igbo person most especially if you are a female. i have heard it. a countless number of times. i didn't take t serious nor take it to heart. But as i grew older, I started taking it seriously. I have met Igbo guys that i liked, we just fooled around , it was nothing serious because i was everly conscious of the no marrying of Igbo thingy. 2019 was the year i understood the reason why. I am not a racist, i like everyone equally but..... there are some buts. Most especially, Igbo peoples that grew up in their states of origin, now those ones are the most difficult. Coming back to University of Ibadan for my MPil programne, i insisted that i nwanted to stay in the hostel, because my laboratory work will take a maximum of 4 months and i can always do the rest from home. Plus what if i get a job and i had to move, the hostel as the best bet. I paid for a 2 man room and i was paired with...

Divorce cakes Anyone?

Apparently, as one makes a cake for a wedding to signify the joining of a couple, one can also make a divorce cake to signify the separation of the same couple. Who eats the cake? I am sure it's the female that will make the cake. So who eats it, her alone? Her and her friends? The just estranged couple after signing the divorce papers? Friends and family who came to felicitate with the Divorce?  Why would one make a divorce cake in the first fucking place?  Anyways,divorce cakes are apparently a  thing, in Nigeria, and like all really horrible things in Nigeria, it has come to stay.  Would you eat one if your friend made one? 

Fizzled out Crush

Dear Crush,  This really means a big deal to me,  I thought our crush will last into weeks, But after a few stolen kisses, Under the  moon so bright and big, Your crush for me became like death so still.   Dear Crush,  Like a drink you escaped via fizzling out, Like a good you escaped via passing out, Like a mood you escaped via disappearing  out, Like a spirit You escaped via ghosting out. Dear Crush, One day, You will teach for me in angst, And I will be there,waiting , But then, like a Gee that I am, I am gonna fizzle out too, And leave you on this road, Fizzled out to face the work alone.   XubiXhots 2019.

A trip down the blogging lane?

I couldn't sleep, so I went on Facebook and was gmchecking my posts down to year 2013. And I just kept smiling and laughing outrighlty at some posts.  I wrote everything down. I mean everything.  I should maybe start writing it down again. So I can check in maybe 5 years time again and have a good laugh???? Who knows  Maybe Maybe not Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.