July 2016

I came her July 2016 to pour out my heart on what I was going through. Today the same July of 2020, I am here to talk about the same thing. Actually, I have been feeling a little sad for a while, one of two things is also presently weighing me down presently but the major one is the one of July 2016. I became that girl. That girl that waits for a particular person yo call, that girl that keeps nurturing this hope that he will call and says: baby, forgive me, I have been such an idiot, that girl that always wants to give him a call whenever she is happy about Something, that girls that light up when she sees his call, that girl whose whole life revolves around a particular person. I wrote July 2016 that I didn't know how to move on, I still don't. I started think i ng about the guys that I should have given a chance, but I told them point blank I was waiting for the other guy. Very silly of me, I know. But when I look at them, I always compare them to him, and they always c...