
Showing posts from 2016


#happysundayfam# #dguyishawt# Hawtnessreloaded# #ineedaboo#

Chocked up

It's been a while v been on here.lately it seems all I do here is pour my heart out,maybe I need to change the name of this blog to musings of a desperate single girl as there is already single naija girl Lol Either musings or not,its still my tots,pen and ink so I guess it's still d same At this point I just want to thank God for creating Eve out of Adam cos lonliness is a bitch Furthermore,being alone after a breakup is also a bitch Being alone after a breakup and your ex moving on and you remaining stuck will probably be d icing on d cake,I mean d one that chockes one to death. It's torture Pure torture I don't even know how to move on,m stuck on this wave not knowing either to move on or stay at the same spot. For people who have been in this position, how did you move past this??? I don't even have the strength to move past it. I am tired of thinking about it,tired of staying on the same point,tired of being in pain,I don't even have the strength...
I don't know much about Muslim wedding but I know a thing or two abt Christian weddings. The white bridal dress a bride wears on her wedding day signifies a lot of things,one she has to be a virgin,two she shouldn't be pregnant, even the veil she wears on her head signifies that she is pure. Gone are the days when a pregnant bride will wear a white wedding gown and use a veil. The Pentecostal churches even request for  a pregnancy test on the day of the wedding,wierd huh? But they have their point. What churches now do nowadays is to do church blessings if the bride is pregnant and solemnisation if the bride is not. Nice abi?? So it's up to one to determine if one wants church blessings as you have already solemnised yourself,or solemnisation if you haven't Nice concept

Do you want to be successful and prosperous???

Then this post is for you.I have been reading this particular verse for years and tonight it finally got through to me. Joshua1:8 says:This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. It is simple and straightforward. Ist: read your Bible in the morning and evening( preferably the same passage) 2nd: so that you may observe what is written there ( to pass out exams or interviews, what do we do? We study over and over and over) 3rd:after doing these two things, only then will we be prosperous and successful. Can you see my point? It's as a mpke as ABC.Most Christians nowadays don't do this,I won't lie,I don't do this but having understood this particular verse this evening,I will follow it henceforth. I enjoin you to do the same also. Ciai

Dear Girls.......

ello sisters, its being a while but can we talk? Yes, I mean now! Marriage is a good thing. Wedding is nice too. But when the bride's pregnant, When she walks down the aisle bearing a protuding belly, The marriage has being dishonoured. And the bed? Defiled! Then, its no longer 'joining in holy matrimony' It is called Thanksgiving celebration because the couple has already joined themselves. This is the common trend these days, I dont admire nor applaude it. Be the wife before you become a mother. If your pastor didnt tell you, hear this now, Introduction is not wedding... Engagement is not wedding... Dating and courtship aint wedding. 'Will you marry me?' 'I will', is not wedding. 'His papa and mama already know me' is not wedding. Your fiance/fiancee is not your wife or husband. You dont own his or her body and cant demand for it! Marriage is the ONLY license to have sex....... Make the marriage bed before you make babies...

The Family Cycle

In the lifetime of most Nigerian family settings, there are 3 Dispensations of Power.The 1st is the first 25 years in the life of the family  (father, mother, children) where power indisputably rest with the father.The 2nd is after the kids have grown & started working when the power shifts to the mother.The 3rd is when the kids move out of the family house or start their own families when the power moves to the children.We'll start from the 1st Dispensation. Total dominance of the father. He is the Lion of the Tribe of his House.The boss.    During this dispensation, the father rules with an iron fist. He barks orders & determines what does or does not happen.    The father often mettes out corporal punishment to the recalcitrant children. They grow to fear him more than they love him. The father is the provider for the family & everyone is aware of that fact with all attendant consequences. Then the 2nd Dispensation sets in. The children have...

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