Dear Girls.......

ello sisters, its being a while but can we talk? Yes, I mean now! Marriage is a good thing. Wedding is nice too. But when the bride's pregnant, When she walks down the aisle bearing a protuding belly, The marriage has being dishonoured. And the bed? Defiled! Then, its no longer 'joining in holy matrimony' It is called Thanksgiving celebration because the couple has already joined themselves. This is the common trend these days, I dont admire nor applaude it. Be the wife before you become a mother. If your pastor didnt tell you, hear this now, Introduction is not wedding... Engagement is not wedding... Dating and courtship aint wedding. 'Will you marry me?' 'I will', is not wedding. 'His papa and mama already know me' is not wedding. Your fiance/fiancee is not your wife or husband. You dont own his or her body and cant demand for it! Marriage is the ONLY license to have sex....... Make the marriage bed before you make babies...