Behold the 327 years old tortoise

So yesterday we were told we will be going to the soun's palace ( the soun is the king of ogbomoso) and honestly I was peeved like we were supposed to have CDs today and coming to the palace will put a dent in my plans. On getting there now,I saw that tortoise and I snapped the pics. On a serious note tho,those people that wrote ijapa tiroko( do y'Ll remember that book) didn't try for the tortoise they drew in the book. This tortoise is huge,I never knew tortoises can be this big strike that,this huge!!! It eats grass but its keeper also said it eats normal food,now since its ogbomoso picture amala and gbegiri,pounded yam and efo riro and meat too. Its ga gan Anyway here are the pics, some people touched it to but yours dearest (lol) maintained a very very health distance. Here you are and don't forget to drop your comments.